Tag Archives : baby bump

Life lately: In pictures

Today I thought I’d share some sweet life moments. There are always pictures being taken of everything these days. So, here are a few of mine that have been refreshing for the soul. Hope you enjoy!

Time with Jesus. The best part of my day.
Baby’s first onesie! PK and I kind of love pugs.
So, Nate, Andrea and their twins made us this onesie that is the most perfect thing ever.
I’ve re-done our room. Kind of. Just with some new pillowcases and sheets. It invites spring in with it’s colors and patterns and I’m really loving how it turned out!
My lil’ Etsy shop has been keeping me busy lately, which has been so fun! I am in LOVE with these blush pink place cards with silver writing that I’m making for Jessica.
Oh just melt my heart, why don’t you?! PK has been traveling for the past two months now and words on this blog cannot describe how much I miss him. Here he is reading to me as we both proofread something he had to fill out for church. He has been working so so hard in his job and I am beyond proud of him. And then to hear him reading about his journey with the Lord here in this picture?! Swoon. I’m in love.
And thankful for FaceTime so I can see the progression of that beard!
Lil’ baby K is growing and I’m feeling movement lately! It’s so stinkin’ amazing.
 My predictions: our child will be the hip hop dancer I secretly want to be.
PK’s predictions: I haven’t asked him, but I’m gonna guess that he secretly is banking on the kid coming out of the womb with a Ph.D. #omega3s
We get to find out the gender soon! I’m basically peeing my pants with excitement. Or it could be because I always have to pee. Either one, we are pretty jazzed.
What are some of your sweet life moments lately?
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